
Life is happening...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wow, so it's been awhile since I blogged. I always forget just how crazy busy life gets around back to school time. Did I ever mention that I am in school as well? Well I am. I'm working on my Bachelor's in Art/Design. Anyway, can I just scream out how absolutely over the moon excited I am that it is fall! The weather is so much cooler here...around 80* which feels like 50* compared to the blazing summer. I got out all my fall decor and finished a fall chevron quilt that I started last year. I love it. It's bright and I incorporated some blue, which I think works perfectly.

I've been doing a little embroidery at night. It's the sweetest Christmas Tree pattern, but the pattern is in French, so I am having to do a little improvising on color and technique. Also, this past weekend I cut out a quilt that I can't wait to start sewing, I'll share more about this later. And I started a couple of books recently. The one that I will try to finish first is The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard Morais. So far I am completely loving it. I feels like I've stepped into another world, the details are enchanting. I'm also excited to continue reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Stout. It's a bunch of small interwoven stories, very endearing so far. Here's to savoring every moment of this short-lived magical season!

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